holder clip 2D meshing in Hypermesh

 Holder clip is general purpose component used in daily life.

Holder clip is a sheet metal component made up of materials such as steel or Mild steel. 

Objective- To Mesh the given component as per required criterion.


  • Import the geometry into solver deck
  • Firstly delete the solids in the geometry
  • Now extract the midsurface from the geometry from Geometry panel>midsurface
  • Before going further to mesh component, cleanup is been carried out> deleting the surface and edge fillets from defeature panel.
  • The final mesh is generated as per requirements.


  • Mid surface extraction is successfully carried out.
  • 2D mesh generated fulfills the required parameters.

Author- Shubham Gangadhar Kurhade
LinkedIn- Shubham Kurhade
Contact- 9511846581 


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